@article{oai:kansaigaidai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007741, author = {金, 孝淑 and Kim, Hyo-sook}, journal = {研究論集, Journal of Inquiry and Research}, month = {Mar}, note = {論文, ARTICLE, This article examines Official Development Assistance (ODA) policymaking in Japan and South Korea and identifies what conditions resulted in commonalities and differences in the incorporation of poverty reduction and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) into ODA policy in Japan and South Korea. For this, this article analyzes policymakers and stakeholders’policy locations, measured by the distance between their preferences and poverty reduction and degrees of involvement in ODA policymaking. An analysis finds that bureaucratic organizations and presidents have led Japan and South Korea’s ODA policymaking, respectively; this provided South Korea more flexibility than Japan to incorporate poverty reduction into ODA policy.However, South Korean presidents’ wide policy preferences lessened the possibility of policychange concerning MDGs, and poverty reduction occupies only part of the overall ODA policy in South Korea, just as in Japan. The article argues that discerning not only policymaking systems—i.e., who decides ODA policy—but also policymakers’ preferences is essential for a better understanding of the commonalities and differences between Japan and South Korea’s ODA.}, pages = {91--108}, title = {Poverty Reduction and ODA Policymaking in Japan and South Korea}, volume = {105}, year = {2017}, yomi = {キム, ヒョスク} }