@article{oai:kansaigaidai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006235, author = {吉村, 耕治 and Yoshimura, Koji}, journal = {研究論集, Journal of Inquiry and Research}, month = {Sep}, note = {論文, ARTICLE, 現代の色彩用語の中には,周辺の色彩を無視した目立ちすぎる色を意味する「騒色」(loud colors)や「やわらかい赤」(soft red)のように,日本語と英語でよく似た感覚表現より構成されている共感覚表現がある.ところが,味覚が共感覚で視覚が原感覚の表現「渋い色」は,英語では聴覚が共感覚の `a quiet color'と表現される.「渋い色」の「渋い」は,「落ち着いた,地味な」の意であるが,複雑な色相からくる灰色みを帯びた「渋い色」を美しいと感じてきた伝統が日本にあったことを考慮すると,この日英語の表現上の違いは,謙虚さに関する日本語と英語の文化の差を反映していると考えられる.『広辞苑』(第5版,岩波書店,1998)は,共感覚の代表的事例である「色聴」(colored hearing)を,「ある音を聞くとそれに伴って一定の色が見える現象」(p. 1149)と定義しているが,この説明には問題がある.共感覚の現象は単独で現れるものではなく,一連のまとまりを持って生じる現象であることが言及されていない., In present-day color terminology, there are many synesthetic expressions composed of sensory expressions which exhibit similarities between English and Japanese, such as "loud colors" (sou-shoku in Japanese), "soft red" (yawarakai-aka), "warm colors" (dan-shoku, atatakai-iro), cold colors" (kan-shoku, tumetai-iro), "hard colors" (katai-iro) and "soft colors" (yawarakai-iro: ochitsuita-iro). There are also some synesthetic expressions consisting of sensory expressions which have no similarity between English and Japanese, such as "a quiet color" (hearing+sight) (shibui-iro in Japanese: taste+sight) and "a shrill [squeaky] voice" (hearing+hearing) (ki'iroi-koe: sight+hearing); here reflect cultural differences between English and Japanese The Japanese synesthetic color expression shibui-iro is one of the situation-centered expressions and reflects a Japanese sense of beauty that has respect for moderate compound colors and `modesty', a Japanese traditional virtue. In addition, the present paper shows that the Japanese onomatopoeia "wan-wan" of "inu-ga wan-wan hoeru" ("dogs bowwow" in English) is an adverb and one of the situation-centered expressions, and that the English onomatopoeia "bowwow" of "dogs bowwow" is a verb and one of the agent-centered expressions, as well as the real meaning of synesthesia.}, pages = {19--37}, title = {色彩語を含む共感覚表現に見られる日英語の文化的相違 : 共感覚現象の意味・日本語オノマトペの状況中心性}, volume = {86}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ヨシムラ, コウジ} }