@article{oai:kansaigaidai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006093, author = {別, 紅櫻 and Bie, Hongying}, journal = {研究論集, Journal of Inquiry and Research}, month = {Mar}, note = {論文, ARTICLE, 这篇文章从“字本位”理论出发,探讨了对外汉语教学字词教学的方法。徐通锵先生提出的“摆脱了印欧语眼光”的“字本位”理论,在语言学界造成重大影响,然而在汉语教学界却没有得到充分利用。在这一理论的指导下,我们试验出“由字入手,以字组词,连词成句”的汉语教学法,这种方法强调“字”的重要性,从而提高词汇教学效果。日本学生在学习汉语时,汉字方面有突出优势,“字本位”字词教学法能够充分利用这一优势,快速增加词汇量。, In accordance with the theory of the sinogram as the basic unit, this paper investigates a novel method of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, especially in the area of vocabulary instruction. Since Professor Xu Tongqiang proposed the theory of "the sinogram as the basic unit" which "frees Chinese from the Indo-European language perspective", the field of linguistics has been profoundly affected. However, there has been insufficient application of this theory in the field of Chinese pedagogy. Proceeding from the sinogram, this paper tests this theory in respect to the forming of words and sentences in Chinese teaching methodology. This method emphasizes the importance of the sinogram and improves the results of vocabulary instruction. Owing to Japanese students' familiarity with characters, they have a clear advantage when studying Chinese and this method can help them fully realize this advantage to rapidly expand vocabulary.}, pages = {43--52}, title = {“字本位”与对外汉语字词教学}, volume = {97}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ベツ, コウオウ} }